Diese drei Tools kommen von uns, angewendet werden sie aber von den Flughafen-Mitarbeitern und uns gemeinsam, um so ein nachhaltiges Geschäftsmodell der nächsten Generation entwickeln können.
Unsere Power Tools
für nachhaltige Business Modelle
von Flughäfen
Diese drei Tools kommen von uns, angewendet werden sie aber von den Flughafen-Mitarbeitern und uns gemeinsam, um so ein nachhaltiges Geschäftsmodell der nächsten Generation entwickeln können.
Modelling the framework - “Measuring is Knowing”...
... links historical data like financial results, traffic data, economic data and infrastructure information to identify all relations that are necessary to assess the future performance of the business under different economic and market conditions. Having a clear map of the current situation is also the prerequisite to analyse various development options.
With our experience in the elaboration of financial models, business-plans and business assessment we convert your historical data into a flexible business-plan model that delivers immediate results.
Training the people
- “Knowing is performance”
Understanding every aspect of an airport, what are the success factors and resources of the different business units, what are the trade-offs, what drives the market and how do we set up a business case, what determines the value of a company and who are the stakeholders and what do they expect? How are airports operated all over the world and how does the airport perform compared to others? The better the employees understand the airport’s business model in a global context the better they will contribute to the airports business performance.
Our Managing Director, Max Schintlmeister, has a broad and long experience as a trainer and lecturer. He has set-up the seminar “Airport as Business Models” for the Munich Airport Academy and also has trained executives all over the world. He also lectures at the Cranfield University and the University of Westminster.
- “Releasing the potential”the people
... bringing in the people into the process. Making all their experience and know how available to the business modelling and development process and creating an environment that makes the joint development of options possible. The business model framework accompanies the process providing valuable assessment and analysis work. Besides the model and the management of the workshops we provide additional information (benchmarks, best practice, case studies) and organise study tours.
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